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The research groups DBMAT (Chile), GEPeDEMI (Brazil) and Cognición y Educación (IESE - Uninorte, Colombia) , in collaboration with different groups and universities in Latin America, are pleased to invite you and invite you to the I Congress / II Conference. This event, which will take place on November 18 and 19, 2021 , will be online and completely free. The transmission channels will be published soon.



The objective of the event is to promote dialogues derived from research and experiences in Mathematics Education in an inclusive perspective between educational levels, considering the contributions of the different actors involved in this context, namely: researchers, undergraduate / university and graduate students, education teachers , special / differential education and higher education. In addition, the interest is to promote and enhance collaborative work through the discussion of different perspectives and educational realities present at an international level.


  • DBMAT - Interdisciplinary Research Group between Differential Education and Mathematics Education. Graduates, graduates and academic and academic members of:

    • Central University of Chile - Chile

    • Rio Loa School, Calama - Chile

    • University of Santiago de Chile - Chile

    • Silva Henríquez Catholic University - Chile

    • Alberto Hurtado University - Chile

    • Metropolitan University of Education Sciences -Chile

    • Metropolitan Technological University - Chile

    • Autonomous University of Guerrero - Mexico

    • CICATA - National Polytechnic Institute - Mexico

    • Liceo "Víctor Mercante" - National University of La Plata - Argentina

    • University of Campina Grande - Brazil

  • GEPeDEMI -Group of Studies and Research in Inclusive Mathematical Education: composed by teachers, researchers and post-graduates from: University of Campina Grande - Brazil

    • West State University of Paraná - Brazil

    • State University of Paraná - Brazil

    • Federal Institute of Bahia - Brazil

    • Federal University of Sergipe - Brazil

    • Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - Brazil

    • University of the State of Santa Catarina - Brazil

    • Secretary of State for Educação do Paraná - Brazil

  • COGNITION and EDUCATION - Research Group.

    • University of the North - Colombia


    • University of the North - Colombia

  • GEPEEI - Group of Study and Research: Professor of Mathematics: training, profession, knowledge and teaching work. Compost by professors, researchers and postgraduates of:

    • ​Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - Brazil

    • Federal University of Ouro Preto - Brazil

    • Federal University of Pampa - Brazil

    • University of Minho - Portugal

    • Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará Federal - Brazil

  • GEPeDIMA - Group of Studies and Research in Didactics of Mathematics.

    • State University of the West of Paraná - Brazil

    • State University of Paraná - Brazil

    • Federal University of Pernambuco - Brazil

    • Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Palotina - Brazil

    • Secretary of State for Educação do Paraná - Brazil

    • Federal Technological University of Paraná - Brazil

    • Municipal Secretary of Education of Maringá, Paraná - Brazil

    • Instituto Federal do Paraná - Brazil

    • Pato Branco University Center - Brazil

    • State University of Maringá - Brazil

  • NIPEDICMT - Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Studies and Research in Science, Mathematics and Technologies: composed by teachers, postgraduates and academics of:

    • Federal University of Bahia - Brazil

    • Secretary of State for Education in Bahia - Brazil

    • Instituto Federal da Bahia - Brazil

    • State University of Sudoeste da Bahia - Brazil

    • State University of Feira de Santana, Bahia - Brazil

    • West Federal University of Bahia - Brazil

    • State University of the West of Paraná - Brazil

    • State University of Paraná - Brazil

    • Federal University of Rondonópolis - Brazil

    • Secretary of State for Education of Paraná - Brazil

  • GEPSEM - Group of Studies and Research on Deafness and Teaching of Mathematics.

    • State University of Paraná - Brazil

    • State University of the West of Paraná - Brazil

    • South and Southern Federal University of Pará - Brazil

    • Federal Institute of Bahia - Brazil

    • University of the State of Santa Catarina - Brazil

    • Federal University Fluminense - Brazil

    • State Secretary of Education of Paraná - Brazil

    • State University of Santa Cruz, Bahia - Brazil

  • GEduMaD -Group of Studies and Research in Mathematical Education, Diversity and Difference: composed by professors, researchers, graduates after graduating from:

    • Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil

  • Inclusive Mathematics Education Research Group

    • Federal University of Sergipe - Brazil

  • Research Group "Mathematics Teacher: training, profession, knowledge and teaching work"

    • Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - Brazil

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